
Please read How to create an extension for usage.

All built-in extensions are imported from roll.extensions:

from roll.extensions import cors, logger, …


Add CORS-related headers. Especially useful for APIs. You generally want to also use the options extension in the same time.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against
  • origin (str; default: *): value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
  • methods (list of str; default: None): value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header; if None the header will not be set
  • headers (list of str; default: None): value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header; if None the header will not be set
  • credentials (default: False): if True, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header will be set to true


Log each and every request by default.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against
  • level (default: logging.DEBUG): logging level
  • handler (default: logging.StreamHandler): logging handler


Performant return in case of OPTIONS HTTP request. Combine it with the cors extension to handle the preflight request.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against


Deal with content negociation declared during routes definition. Will return a 406 Not Acceptable response in case of mismatch between the Accept header from the client and the accepts parameter set in routes. Useful to reject requests which are not expecting the available response.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against


  • mimetype-match>=1.0.4


Print the traceback on the server side if any. Handy for debugging.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against


Display a BIG message when running the server. Quite useless, hence so essential!


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against


Serve static files. Should not be used in production.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against
  • prefix (str, default=/static/): URL prefix to serve the statics
  • root (str or pathlib.Path, default=current executable path): filesystem path to look for static files
  • default_index (str, default=empty string): filename, for instance index.html, useful to serve a static HTML website
  • name (str, default=static): optional name to be used when calling url_for helper


Special extension that does not rely on the events’ mechanism.

Launch a local server on by default.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against
  • port (int; default=3579): the port to listen
  • host (str; default= where to bind the server
  • quiet (bool; default=False): prevent the server to output startup debug infos


Allow two things:

  • name the routes
  • build routes URL from these names and their optional parameters.

When using this extension, you can then optionaly pass a name parameter to the route decorator. Otherwise, the name will be computed from the route handler name.


  • app: Roll app to register the extension against


from roll import Roll
from roll.extensions import named_url

app = Roll()

# Registering the extension will return the `url_for` helper.
url_for = named_url(app)

# Define a route
async def myroute(request, response, myvar):

# Now we can build the url
url_for("myroute", myvar="value")
# /mypath/value

# To control the route name, we can pass it as a route kwarg:
@app.route("/mypath/{myvar}", name="custom_name")
async def otherroute(request, response, myvar):

# And then we can use it
url_for("custom_name", myvar="value")

Hint: the helper can be attached to the app, to have it available everywhere:

app.url_for = named_url(app)